The discussion between Outsideren and me was, of course, not finished after I'd made the statement, I quoted here. Outsideren's following argument, in short, was, that it would need a simple and clear cut language, hitting a greatest possible common denominator, in order to get one's message through. And that this message would need to be simple and clear cut in itself in order to get through.
To me the term "message", used in this sense, is already problematic in itself. Can there be any other "message" in a text than that, which takes shape in the reader's thoughts while reading the text? Or: Can there be an overall message in a text, independent from the reader, at all?
To assume an overall, independent message to exist, implies an overall, independent mindset to exist. independent from individual diversities and personal development. A rather static, rigid, common denominator.
It is exactly this conception, I oppose. Writing, to me, is a process, a consciousness raising process. Just as reading is. While conscience never is a static, rigid, state of mind, but in itself a process, subject to constant change, a constant to and fro between death and renewed coming into existence.
The 40-year-old, white man's discourse, the greatest possible common denominator's discourse, is a static, rigid one. A discourse frozen in between death and coming into existence. Thus the process of becoming aware is frozen at the very same, unconscious point of stagnation. Moving only in circles, getting nowhere: "We'd need easier and faster procedures to employ coerced treatment."- "Why would we need easier and faster procedures to employ coerced treatment?" - "Because Søren jumped into the sea and died." - "Why did Søren jump into the sea and die?" - "Because we'd need easier and faster procedures to employ coerced treatment." - "Why would we need...?" and so on, and so on, eternally. While the answers to both questions lie far beyond of, what the greatest possible common denominator ever could explore. Laurence Simon has some more interesting observations on this kind of empty, and blocking any understanding, discourse on his radioblog here.
And, by the way, I think, I don't need to say more about what I think of the latest issue of Outsideren... The 40-year-old, white man won, once again. Here in the shape of a blazing speech of defence in favour of involuntary treatment, that in itself is a manifestation of the worse than murderous point of stagnation between death and possible life. While the individual, consciousness raising process, which not only characterizes writing and reading, but life as a whole, lost. Once again.
Did my message get through?...
Breaking Echo Chambers: The Need for Discourse
3 weeks ago
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