15 December 2008
Today, National Public Radio's show "Day to Day" aired a segment
about the involuntary electroshock of Ray Sandford.
You may listen to the nearly nine-minute segment online for free here:
or use this web link:
The NPR show interviews Ray Sandford along with David W. Oaks,
director of MindFreedom and many others, including Ray's mom, about
the ethical debate over forced electroshock.
Ray Sandford is a Minnesota resident who is court ordered to have
electroshock over his expressed wishes on an outpatient basis. Ray
contacted MindFreedom International to launch a campaign that has
reached millions of people about Ray's right to say "no" to his
Every other Wednesday Ray is escorted from his group home residence
to receive another electroshock against his wishes. Ray's most recent
electroshock was on 10 December 2008, which was also United Nations
International Human Rights day.
Because of MindFreedom's campaign, Ray has at least been given a new
court hearing, scheduled for *tomorrow*, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 at
8:30 am. If you live in St. Paul/Minneapolis area, please try to
attend. Ray said the hearing is at Regions Hospital in St. Paul. For
address and directions click here:
If Ray loses, his next forced electroshock is scheduled for Christmas
Eve, 24 December 2008. It would be approximately his 36th electroshock.
For more information on MindFreedom's campaign to stop the forced
electroshock of Ray Sandford, including a photo of Ray, frequently
asked questions and how to help out, click here:
If you politely insist when you call the office of the Governor of
Minnesota, you are finally able to talk to a staff person about the
topic of involuntary electroshock.
If you just get diverted to voice mail, call back later and ask to
speak to a staff person.
Unfortunately, the staff person is simply saying that Governor
Pawlenty believes he can do nothing.
Please help Governor Pawlenty realize that he has self-determination
and empowerment! The Governor could at least help Ray get better
legal representation.
Call the Governor's office from anywhere in the world phone (651)
From inside Minnesota phone toll free (800) 657-3717.
Please spread the word! Circulate this news about the NPR show to all
those who may be interested.
LET THE MEDIA KNOW about the NPR coverage of the Ray Sandford campaign!
Many mainstream media did not believe forced electroshock of an
individual living out in the community could be happening in the USA.
Tell media to listen to the NPR show here:
or use this web link:
Note that after registering on that NPR web site you may also leave a
*comment* about the show about Ray. Estimated number of listeners of
Day to Day is two million on 200 radio stations. Because of cutbacks,
NPR recently announced the show would be cancelled in March 2009.
Encourage Everyone to Join MindFreedom International During the Fall
2008 Support Drive
Build the people power it will take to stop the kind of torture that
Ray is experiencing!
For information about how you can join MindFreedom today, click here:
Breaking Echo Chambers: The Need for Discourse
3 weeks ago
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