Wednesday 1 October 2008


This is all I have to offer for now and probably for some few more days ahead. I just finished a major piece on Loren Mosher and Soteria, both virtually unknown in Denmark, for my Danish blog, that turned out not only to be enormously time and energy consuming, but also somewhat emotionally challenging. Especially since the "colonized" are on the streets again these days, demanding more hospital beds... - Will they ever get it?? - I met one of the less colonized the other day. He started fishing, but, 'no, sorry, don't count on me as long as you want hospital beds'. It's a tragedy. It's literally the (colonized) inmates running the asylums. This is how Don Quijote must have felt...


susan said...

Hi Marian,

Been bumping into you on the blogosphere, this is my first visit to your blog and I really like it.

I am the self proclaimed Queen lover of Cat Fixes.

Is this your kitty?

I like what you have to say and will be back to read more of you.



Marian said...

Hi Susan,

and welcome to my blog! I've seen your comments at others' blogs - Gianna's and Mark's among others - and figured that you're a real cat-lover. So, we have also that in common :)

This was my kitty, until two years ago when he had to be put to sleep at the age of 14 because of arthritis. He didn't even manage to jump on that chair he's napping on in the picture anymore the last few months of his life. A hard decision to make, but it was just not a good life for a cat anymore.

Ah, poetry. I'll have to check out your blog, I see.